Saturday 31 May 2008

Strawberry Cheesecake

Strawberry Cheesecake
Originally uploaded by Pisces Romance

This is the strawberry cheesecake that I made for tonight's birthday dinner party for Joe! It turned out really really well! Sooo delicious!! YUM YUM!! Sorry about the decoration and piping~ not professional for that~~ :-P


Cake Base:
Vanilla sponge cake

(A)500g cream cheese
40g sugar
(B)2 egg yolks
60g sugar
160g strawberry puree
1 tbsp lemon juice
(C)2 tbsp gelatine
80g water
(D)150g yogurt
(E)200g whip topping cream, whipped

Cake Base:
Cut the sponge cake horizontally into 2 layers. Place one layer of sponge cake at the bottom of the 23-cm square springform tin.

1) Cream (A) until light and smooth.
2) Place (B) over double-boiler. Stir until it thickens.
3) Premix (C). Place over double-boiler and stir until gelatine dissolves. Add it into (B) and mix until well combined. Place it in a cold water bath to cool it to room temperature. Add it to (A) and mix until well blended.
4) Add (D) and mix until evenly blended. Fold in (E). Mix until well incorporated.
5) Arrange some strawberried on top of the sponge layer. Pour the cheese filling over the strawberries then top with second layer of sponge cake. Refrigerate for 4 hours or until firm.
6) Unmould the cake. Cover the top with whipped cream, Spread a thin layer of glazing gel and then pipe some strawberries coulis dots. Use tooth pick to swirl it. Pipe cream rossettes and top with chocolate net.

Saturday 3 May 2008


五月… 阿德雷得的晚秋…

像以往一樣, 昨天又去了阿德雷得山上(Adelaide Hill)享受秋景…
秋天, 是我最愛的季節… 自從二零零四年的秋天, 第一次來到阿德雷得山之後, 我就愛上它了… 尤其一個叫Stirling Village的小鎮,到處種满了楓樹… 秋天把楓葉全都染紅; 當秋風吹起時, 落葉潚潚, 满地紅紅黃黃的落葉… 那種美, 我真的好想大聲說:” 秋天…你好美!”

還記得剛來阿德雷得的時候, 夏天剛要結束, 好期待秋天的來臨. 本以為所有的樹葉都會在秋天里變得紅黃…後來才知道, 只有來自歐洲的樹才有這樣的本領; 澳洲本土的樹還是一樣的青綠, 難免有些失望…幸好, 一位澳洲朋友帶我來到了阿德雷得山滿足了我對秋天的期待; 從此, 每一個秋天我都一定要上山來…

山上到處都可以見到又紅又黃的樹葉,那種美, 我真的無法形容…它讓我莫名的亢奮, 有一種激動…好想把它抱住不放. 遠離市區的繁華, 享受郊外的秋景, 真的很放鬆, 很自在… 山上還有一個地方叫Mount Lofty Botanic Garden, 也是欣賞秋景的最佳旅遊勝地, 也是我每年必來報到的地方.想了解更多關于阿德雷德山, 可以遊覽這個網站:
每年的秋天, 我都會拍一大堆秋景… 就算每年的秋景都一樣, 還是會不厭其煩的狂拍; 為的是好想留住這一刻. 這篇文章里上傳了一些自己拍的秋景和大家分享一下. 一些是今年的作品, 有些是去年的; 希望大家會喜歡…

不知道為甚麼, 總覺得秋天代表著空虛; 或許一直以來有一些歌曲多以秋天為離別的季節,像: 葉倩文的”秋去秋來”, 周慧敏的”紅葉落索的時候”, 候湘婷的”秋天別來”, 萬芳的”多事的秋”; 所以”秋”和”傷”似乎離不開, 不好的故事,好像往往多在秋天發生. 這麼說好像有點糟蹋了秋天, 但我仍然對秋天情有獨鍾.

看著從樹上漂下來的落葉, 不禁想起了那句歌詞 – “秋風清, 秋月明, 落葉聚散兩無情…” 誰是誰非, 沒人可以決定… 一切都是自然的定律…

緣起緣滅… 楓樹要懂得放手… 可以的話, 落葉也應該不會舍得離開…


楓樹會很難過…所以就算冬天, 還是獨守這那棵空樹…

一直到下一個春天來臨時, 才會看到青青綠綠的楓葉再次茂盛地長出來…


可是一段感情能維持多久… 能否開花結果?

不能不很老土的說一句 – 看緣分吧……